In the region around Lake Neusiedl you may enjoy various musical genres, especially during the summer. Musicals and operetta are performed at the Seebühne in Mörbisch am See, for opera you can visit Opera in the Quarry in St. Margarethen and there are the Pannonia Fields where rock music is on. But there are not only major events. You can enjoy a lot of small concerts, theatre productions, festivals, shows and exhibitions at monumental locations like Schloss Esterhazy, Schloss Halbturn or Schloss Kittsee. In addition, there is a complex cultural offer including museums and tradition festivals that provide insight into the history of the country and its people.
Anyone who has once experienced the fascination of the Mörbisch Lake Festival will come back again and again. Because the natural scenery of Lake Neusiedl National Park, the incomparable atmosphere and the unique open-air stage make for a magical overall experience that you will never forget and want to experience again and again.
The historic quarry in St. Margarethen is one of the most impressive open-air stages. Thanks to its acoustics and impressive atmosphere, this open-air concert hall provides an unforgettable sound experience, whether for operas or concerts.